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Weekly news #9

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News #

Science/Bioinformatics #

Accurate feature selection improves single-cell RNA-seq cell clustering #

Su et al.,Briefings in Bioinformatics 2021

#scrna-seq #feature-selection #clustering

Cell clustering is one of the most important and commonly performed tasks in single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data analysis. An important step in cell clustering is to select a subset of genes (referred to as ‘features’), whose expression patterns will then be used for downstream clustering. A good set of features should include the ones that distinguish different cell types, and the quality of such set could have a significant impact on the clustering accuracy. All existing scRNA-seq clustering tools include a feature selection step relying on some simple unsupervised feature selection methods, mostly based on the statistical moments of gene-wise expression distributions. In this work, we carefully evaluate the impact of feature selection on cell clustering accuracy. In addition, we develop a feature selection algorithm named FEAture SelecTion (FEAST), which provides more representative features. We apply the method on 12 public scRNA-seq datasets and demonstrate that using features selected by FEAST with existing clustering tools significantly improve the clustering accuracy.

Reproducibility in systems biology modelling #

Tiwari et al., Mol Sys Biol 2021


Reproducibility of scientific results is a key element of science and credibility. The lack of reproducibility across many scientific fields has emerged as an important concern. In this piece, we assess mathematical model reproducibility and propose a score card for improving reproducibility in this field.

10 Breakthrough Technologies 2021 #

Technology Review, 24/02/2021

Speeding up machine hearing #

Carney at al., Nat Mach Intell 2021


Computational models that capture the nonlinear processing of the inner ear have been prohibitively slow to use for most machine-hearing systems. A convolutional neural network model replicates hallmark features of cochlear signal processing, potentially enabling real-time applications.

Tools #

jam-systems/jam #

🍞 Jam is an open source alternative to Clubhouse, Twitter Spaces and similar audio spaces.

rxi/lite #

A lightweight text editor written in Lua

xiangpin/ggstar #

⭐ star layer for ggplot2

arrow-py/arrow #

Better dates & times for Python.

Alert yourself after a long-running task in terminal #

Handy little script to notify you after a long job has been finished in terminal.

Guides and Tutorials #

A Vim Guide for Advanced Users #

Are you ready to level up your Vim skills?

Git is my buddy: Effective Git as a solo developer #

If only we all follow these rules.

How to test GitHub actions locally using act? #

You don’t have to force push - just try act.

Gnod/branch-pages #

Example of how to publish each branch in a subdirectory of a GitLab page. Works for public and private projects.

Others #

Massive Google-funded COVID database will track variants and immunity #

Another COVID database resource.

The Technology Behind Cinematic Photos #

How cinematic photos work from Google.

Rust, Zig, and the Futility of “Replacing” C #

Interesting take on mentioned languages to replace C.

Nextcloud faster than ever! Introducing Files High Performance Back-end #

Impressive speed bumps in Nextcloud 21.

Did you know? #

Explanation and implementation of Discrete Fourier Transformation in Julia.